As of next Monday evening (June 27th) President Edward Watts will be the priesthood leader of the mission with the keys given him by an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. President and I wish to thank you for your support. We have felt the power of your prayers. We have a saying between the two of us. It is...."Every day a miracle." We literally saw, at least one miracle each day. Some days they were small signs, tender mercies of a loving God. Other days they were life saving miracles of intervention keeping our missionaries safe, diverting a tragedy or direct intervention to someone select and pure of heart really to receive and make covenants with God. All in the name of the Messiah, his life, his work, his mercy, his love.
"Everyday a miracle" has come about through your divine leadership. Your love for the gospel, the Lord's work, and your missionaries has been one of the greatest blessings Guatemala has ever received. Thank you doesn't begin to describe how grateful I am to you both for sacrificing so much. May you have the peace that your work is now complete and that your reunion with your family may be all that you have dreamed of. We love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Brendan and Leslie Smith
Mis queridos Presidentes: Solo una notita para agradecerles por todo lo que han hecho por nuestros Misioneros en Guatemala, para ellos y para nosotros ha sido una gran bendicion tenerles a ustedes como lideres de Nuestros preciados Misioneros.
Gracias por su tiempo, por su dedicacion, por su cuidado y por el amor que han tenido todo este tiempo durante su Mision.
Desde ya, les extranaremos no tenerles mas en Guatemala con nuestros (hijos, nietos), pero sabemos que su tiempo ha llegado, y les deseamos muchas felicidades en su regreso a Utah con su Familia.
Gracias por todo!! les amamos con todo nuestro corazon....John y Angie Sanches (Elder Jordan Smith's Grandparents)
Thank you President and Sister Torres for the miracle that you have been to our missionaries. You will be sorely missed! May Heavenly Father's choicest blessings be with you as you return home.
Mike and Susan Norton
There are not words to express our gratitude for the inspired work you have done in Guatemala. You have had such an incredible impact on the life of our son and many, many others. When a child goes on a mission, a parent prays for the Mission President and hopes to have one just like you have been. Sister Torres, you have been like a mother to these young men and have had such love, compassion (and sometimes "cincho"!) for them. Thank you so very much for all that you have done. We will be eternally grateful.
Homer and Bonnie Mays
Presidente y Hermana Torres,
Thanks so much for your leadership and inspiration to all the great missionaries in Guatemala City North. You have not only been their spiritual leaders and teachers, but also adoptive, caring parents. We know that they love you and will look up to you now and for years to come. As missionary parents we so much appreciate all that you have done.
A special thanks for the gift of your mission blog. You have allowed us to feel a closeness to the country, the people, and our missionary that would not otherwise have been possible.
Que el SeƱor les bendiga!
Jerald and Shannon Rowan
Hello Torres family! This is Amy Watts, daughter-in-law of President and Sister Watts. I will be managing their blog for them and wanted to share the address with you so you can keep up on things in your mission. We can be found at
Feel free to share the address with anyone who might want to follow along. Thanks so much!
My love and thanks go out to you both for your wonderful leadership and the love that you have shown to our missionary sons and daughters. I have appreciated the time you took to keep up this blog so that all of us parents and family members could feel more connected to our children and to the people of Guatemala. I am also most grateful for your watchful care over my son. It helps to know that he has been cared for with the same love and compassion by you that he would receive from his own parents. May God continue to bless your lives for all that you have done for so many people.
Tamsin Bronson
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